Archipriest Maxim Obukhow, was a priest of the Moscow Patriarchate Orthodox Church , president of the Life Center and member of the Patriarchal Council for the Protection of Family and Life. He was a great defender of life and a devoted preacher of the teachings of Christ and the Gospel of Life. He confirmed his openness to life as a father of nine children.

Francisco Villareal was just a young student trying to get ahead, when he read in a local newspaper that the government was offering scholarships to learn art in Poland. Without knowing the language and only with the notion that it was a communist country, he undertook the trip. It was a challenge that he was not going to let go. Francisco, a native of Tulcán (north of Ecuador), fell in love there and brought his wife to live in Quito. He was professor - founder of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito where he worked for 30 years. He is the link between Father León Juchniewicz, custodian of the Pilgrim Icon of the Virgin of Czestochowa in Ecuador, and Mrs. Nelly Peralta Viera, a native of Ambato (center of Ecuador) and restorer.

Birth of the twin bells "Voice of the Unborn" for Ecuador and UkraineBirth of the twin bells "Voice of the Unborn" for Ecuador and Ukraine. Thanks to the use of Internet connections, representatives of Ecuador also participated in it. The entire live broadcast on YouTube was translated into Spanish and Polish by Fr. Leon Juchniewicz, a Polish missionary who has been working in Ecuador for over 30 years and patronizing pro-life movements. He is also the custodian in South America of the Częstochowa Icon on the pilgrimage "From Ocean to Ocean" in defense of the civilization of life and family.

Testimony of Yolanda Poveda Burgos and her husband Evandro de Oliveira: As a background, I had already gone through two pregnancies, but unfortunately between 9 and 12 weeks of gestation the babies died.
I went to confession with Fr. Raniero Marincioni, pastor of María Reina parish. On that day, August 10, 2019, it was 9 weeks into the gestation of our third baby. I felt so anguished and with so much sadness in my heart without knowing if this baby would live, since being completely asymptomatic cases, it would not be possible to know until medical examination.
- After visiting a "beautician" in Ecuador!
- Coronavirus blocked the journey "From Ocean to Ocean", but we will not give up!
- The first "Window of Life" in Ecuador
- The Icon arrives in the Archdiocese of Portoviejo
- Last visit in Guayaquil
- The Our Lady visits the Bay of Guayaquil
- Visiting in the middle of a novena
- Mary takes care of all her children
- Ecuador rejected abortion
- A victory of life